Wednesday, 2 July 2014

List of affordable Universities and colleges in Canada for international students

I always considered University of Manitoba and University of Brandon to be one of the cheapest in the country especially the later partly because I went to school in Manitoba.

Just recently, after a short research I found out that my list can easily be expanded. Below is the list I came up with. Please note that they could be more affordable schools out there than what I have below so please approach with caution.

**See updated list here
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Bow Valley College

University of Brandon

University of Winnipeg

University of Manitoba

Memorial University of Newfoundland

University of Saskatchewan

University of Regina

Douglas College

Dalhousie University

Georgian College

Red River College

Grant MacEwan College

Seneca College

Simon Fraser

University of Victoria

University of Lethbridge

There are definitely  more schools out there that are affordable but I have not had the time to look up every single one.

Please keep in my mind that while some schools are affordable, the city which they reside might have a high cost of living. Hence, take cost of living into consideration before making your final decision.

See for rooms and apartments in the city you choose to attend Univerisity or College.

However, cost of living in Manitoba and Newfoundland are known to be reasonable.


  1. This is really a nice information you shared here...Thanks a lot for sharing..

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I plan to update this list in the nearest future.

  2. i want to go canada for undergraduate program.
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    1. Hi Thomas, is your question about apply for admission in Canada and student visa?

  3. nicely information to share here it is very easy for student to find cheapest university because of your information student feel like studying. thank u!

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  4. nice work, i will like to see on the kijiji website i cant find the waterloo location, secondly, any idea on studying at the university of waterloo, graduate program engineering and how is the school generally.
